Town Court
215 Riverside Ave.
Theresa, NY 13691
315-628-5046 (new number)
fax: please send faxes to the judges email addresses
Traffic Tickets are often handled by mail. You may indicate whether you
wish to plead guilty or not guilty and leave your ticket for the Court by
putting it through the slot in the door.
If you wish to seek a reduction from the District Attorney's Office, plead
not guilty.
Hon. Rebeca E. Oblender, Town Justice
ROblender@nycourts. gov
2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 11 AM
Office Hours
During Court and by Appointment
Hon. Rachel A. Roberts, Town Justice
[email protected]
1st and 3rd and 5th Tuesdays at 7PM
Office Hours
During court or by appointment
DA Night is the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm
Theresa, NY 13691
315-628-5046 (new number)
fax: please send faxes to the judges email addresses
Traffic Tickets are often handled by mail. You may indicate whether you
wish to plead guilty or not guilty and leave your ticket for the Court by
putting it through the slot in the door.
If you wish to seek a reduction from the District Attorney's Office, plead
not guilty.
Hon. Rebeca E. Oblender, Town Justice
ROblender@nycourts. gov
2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 11 AM
Office Hours
During Court and by Appointment
Hon. Rachel A. Roberts, Town Justice
[email protected]
1st and 3rd and 5th Tuesdays at 7PM
Office Hours
During court or by appointment
DA Night is the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm